Volunteer Services is the core of the Nation. We make the event happen by providing support to all departments. Volunteer Floaters serve as supplementary staff for different departments depending on need. Think of Volunteer Services as the Temp Agency of the Event.
Floater Duties: Depending on Departmental Needs, you may find yourself;
- In Reserve
- Running messages and errands
- Filling any needed volunteer positions within all Departments (cannot guarantee ADA assessable)
- Able to work in all weather conditions ( Hot, cold, dry, wet)
- Dress appropriately (you may need to cover Sanitation or Dead Runs)
- Closed toe shoes
- Able to walk/stand for long periods of time
- Must not show up inebriated to shift! (Volunteer Lead can/will dismiss you and you will not be paid for your volunteer shift. The incident will be logged with the Volunteer Coordinator. If your shift was part of Land Grant hours, the Land Stewart will be made aware.)