“Good people… who have traveled from villages near and far, lend me your ears!”

Heralds are the Town Criers for the event! They announce News, Activities, and event happenings all around the Festival. They are the Messengers of the Event!


  • Heralds perform scheduled crying every two hours, fifteen minutes before the odd hours, from 9 am to 7 pm. The first cry will be prior to opening court and the last cry prior to closing court.
  • All Heralds will report to the Lead Herald at Scuttlebutt no later than 15 minutes before their scheduled rounds.
  • Heralds are given a map, clipboard, scripts, and a megaphone.
  • Heralds routes are noted on the map given, and will cry at the designated location
  • When Rounds are completed, Heralds will return to Scuttlebutt and report to the Heralds Lead


  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Ability to project your voice loud and clear
  • Ability to walk long distances around site
  • Ability to be in direct sunlight/heat for long periods of time
  • Must not show up inebriated to shift! (Heralds Lead can/will dismiss you and you will not be paid for your volunteer shift. The incident will be logged with the Volunteer Coordinator. If your shift was part of Land Grant hours, the Land Stewart will be made aware.)



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Job TitleWhenShift StartShift EndTotal SpotsAvailable Spots
Job TitleWhenShift StartShift EndTotal SpotsAvailable Spots
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