by Karl Luhr | Aug 9, 2022
“Good people… who have traveled from villages near and far, lend me your ears!” Heralds are the Town Criers for the event! They announce News, Activities, and event happenings all around the Festival. They are the Messengers of the Event! Duties:...
by Karl Luhr | Aug 9, 2022
Pirates Is Such Dirty Business! Clean Biffys! Face it, we all like a clean, well-lit place to take care of our business. This is all the more important whale at an event for multiple days. We have all seen what happens when the biffys are too few, not serviced...
by Karl Luhr | Aug 6, 2022
Welcome to Parking! We are the first faces patrons see when they arrive to site. We direct traffic, park dragons, and ensure fire lanes remain open Position Duties: Gate assist – Work with cat herders to keep traffic and registration moving. Entry 1 –...