The mission of the Health and Safety team of Legacy Bay Events is to provide a safe environment in which attendees, staff, and vendors can conduct business and engage in revelry. Health and Safety members on shift should be a constant visible presence to deter conduct deemed detrimental to the community.

*Any persons that were involved in a reported Violation of Consent incident will not be permitted to be a volunteer for Constab.

*Must not be inebriated upon arrival to shift. (Constab Lead will dismiss you and you will not be paid for your volunteer shift. The incident will be logged with the Volunteer Coordinator. If your shift was part of Land Grant hours, the Land Stewart will be made aware.)

Roving Constable: Roving Constables are the eyes and ears of the event. Rovers are responsible for observing and reporting activity deemed detrimental to the patrons and staff of the event. Rovers are wholly tasked with the following:

  • Roving the campgrounds and report activity outlined below in the “Common Occurrences”.
  • Maintain constant radio communication throughout their assigned shift
  • Inform staff and Lieutenant Constables of encounters during their shift
  • Maintain a visible presence around the campground
  • Contact offenders and correct behavior (ONLY IF COMFORTABLE)

Common Occurrences: Throughout the event, some encounters are more common than others. Through the years, the team has had to deal with many different situations that require problem solving, critical thinking, and improvisation. As stated above, these procedures and guidelines will not cover all of the scenarios that may be encountered while on shift and good judgment should always prevail. These guidelines are a foundation of what to do in case certain situations should arise to standardize and improve responses to these encounters. 

  • Stolen Items: Advise the victim/complainant to contact the local police department and file a report after all reasonable efforts have been made to locate the lost/stolen item. Document the V/C’s information (Event/Mundane Name, Camp, Cell Phone Number, Description of item stolen) in order to facilitate reuniting the item with the owner in the event the item is later turned into lost and found.
  • Missing Child: Attempt to gather as much information about the child as possible. Start with a description of the child as they were last seen, starting at their hair and ending with their shoes. Be sure to include the name, age, race, and any other identifying factors of the child. Air all of this pertinent information over the radio. Have the reporting party maintain a presence at the gate where they can be easily located when the child is found. If rovers are approached about a missing child, radio contact the on duty Lieutenant Constable as soon as possible so the Lieutenant can coordinate with staff to assist in the search efforts. Gather a list of possible search areas the child may be from the reporting party. If a child is found to be alone and the parents/guardians are the ones “missing”, bring the child to the gate and stage with them there. This will ensure a speedy reunion once the parents are found. Try to gather as much information from the child as possible to assist in locating a responsible party.
  • Underage Drinking: Underage drinking WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Under any circumstances, if an individual is drinking alcohol underage, the on duty Lieutenant Constable shall be notified as soon as possible. The Lieutenant shall document the offender’s information (Event/Mundane Name, Camp location, date of birth, contact information) when feasible. The Lieutenant shall make a report to the Head Constable during normal business hours (8am – 8pm) concerning the underage individual. Once the information has been documented, the underage individual is to be escorted to their campsite and released to a responsible party. The Lieutenant shall complete a written report detailing the events.
  • Noise Complaints: If other staff/roving constable should receive a noise complaint, it should be forwarded to the Lieutenant Constable for handling. Noise complaints shall be handled in the best interest for the site and theme of the event. If the volume is the complaint, reach a compromise between the involved parties. If the content is the complaint, determine if the content of the noise is site appropriate for the time period we emulate. If it is not, direct the noise to cease and desist or the offenders may be removed from the site.
  • Consumption of Illicit Drugs: Illicit drugs are not allowed on site, period. Should constables of any rank observe any illicit drug use, immediately report it utilizing the chain of command. The head constable shall immediately remove the offender/s from the site and a complete report written detailing the event.
  • Unpaid Attendees: When this is observed, Rovers may attempt to convince the offender/s to leave the site as appropriate. Should Rovers not feel comfortable making the contact, Rovers should report the offender/s description and location to the Lieutenant Constable and the Lieutenant should make every effort to convince the offender/s to pay at the gate or leave. Should the offender/s refuse, advise them the local police department shall be summoned to remove them from the site. Should the situation escalate further, contact the local police department to facilitate the removal of the offender/s.
  • Incapacitated Individual: Radio for the Medic Lieutenant on shift to evaluate the individual. If the individual is deemed to be in good health, attempt to ascertain a campsite and assist the individual to their campsite. Alternatively, an attempt can be made to find a SOBER responsible party for the individual, and care can be released to them. The medics are responsible for making the call for medical care in cases where it is needed.
  • Sexual Assault: No one other than the Head Medic, Head Constable, Health and Safety Lead, Health and safety Department heads or producers needs to be involved with a sexual assault unless there is a safety risk to the site and other patrons. This does not mean all of them will be responding, but if there is an allegation it needs to be directly conveyed to the head constable/medic immediately so proper steps can be taken. The leads taking point will then make every effort to assist the victim in any way possible including alternative lodging, and summoning the authorities. Written reports are required in ANY case where an allegation of sexual assault has occurred, whether the authorities are summoned or not.


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