The Titles game is one of the roleplay aspects of the festival.

Below are the volunteer opportunities for Titles

Assistant: Pay 30NS

Description: This position is mostly seated and stationary. This is an ADA accessible job.

Duties: As a Volunteer of Titles, your main objective is to:

  • Log information into the Faction binders.  You will record Game Name, Real Name, Ship or House and a current email address for new people who declare a faction. Premade forms and pens are provided. We record Players information on paper and electronically and must make sure both match.
  • Hand out appropriate tokens for factions (also provided)
  • Log Sterling received and date it was received.

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Must be able to sit for long periods of time
  • Must be able to walk long distances around the site
  • Must have neat penmanship  
  • Must be computer literate and know how to log data on a spreadsheet
  • Must be Detailed oriented
  • Must not be inebriated upon arrival to shift. (Titles Mistress can/will dismiss you and you will not be paid for your volunteer shift. The incident will be logged with the Volunteer Coordinator. If your shift was part of Land Grant hours, the Land Stewart will be made aware.)
  • Assist the Titles Lead with answering questions about the game, and generally being a part of the intrigue and shenanigans.

LT Responsibilities: LTs are in charge when Title Mistress is not available. As an LT you will:

  • Oversee Volunteers and answer any questions
  •  verify Volunteers, make note if a Volunteer did not show for shift. Inform Volunteer Coordinator when a volunteer is needed.
  • Update Spreadsheets on Titles tablet as needed.
  • Make sure all binders and spreadsheets are current and accurate. 
  • Answer any questions regarding the Titles Game. 
  • Approve bribes when Titles Mistress is not available.
  • Verify Signatures for Player Tier advancement. Change faction Registry spreadsheet to show new Tier reached. 
  •  Players can only advance ONE (1) Tier per day, a max of three tiers per event. 

Only LT and Titles Mistress can approve Bribes for Tier advancement. For Tiers 2-4 Bribes may be accepted for approved signatures for tier Advancement if there is an opening for that Tier. No bribe shall be accepted to achieve Tier 5 or higher. Bribes may be in the form of Sterling, Gifts, Food and or Drink. Any bribes in the form of ANY SEXUAL FAVOR ARE NOT PERMITTEDUse your best Judgment when approving bribes. If you are unsure a bribe falls within these guidelines, contact the Titles Mistress.

 *All Volunteers should check with Titles Lead 15 Minutes before the start of your shift.


Sign up below...

WhatWhenShift StartShift EndTotal SpotsAvailable Spots
WhatWhenShift StartShift EndTotal SpotsAvailable Spots
AssistantJune 20, 20251100120022 •
AssistantJune 20, 20251200130022 •
AssistantJune 20, 20251300140022 •
AssistantJune 20, 20251600170022 •
AssistantJune 21, 20251100120022 •
AssistantJune 21, 20251200130022 •
AssistantJune 21, 20251300140022 •
AssistantJune 21, 20251600170022 •
AssistantJune 21, 20251700180022 •
AssistantJune 22, 20251100120022 •
AssistantJune 22, 20251200130022 •
AssistantJune 22, 20251300140022 •