Legacy Bay Events Volunteering
Do you want to volunteer at our event but aren’t sure where to start? When you click on the link below for Available Shifts, it will give you a list of the departments you can sign up to volunteer for. Each department gives a clear description of what the job duties are, what requirements are needed, and what to except when doing a shift. This event is 100% run by volunteers. The more volunteers we have, the smoother the Event will be! You MUST register for the Event to be a Volunteer.
Pay Rate: The current Volunteer Pay Rate is 50 Sterling per hour for all departments. Any hours worked from 8pm to 8am are paid time and a half. Any shifts worked on Monday are paid time and half.
There are a couple of DOs and DON’Ts that apply to all departments.
- Do wear appropriate clothing while on shift (no nakedness)
- Do have Fun!
- Do be considerate and respectful when speaking with patrons and staff
- Don’t show up to your shift inebriated
- Don’t be a dick