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We welcome you to the Events operated by Pacific Northwest Pirate Nation, collectively referred to as “The Nation of Nassau”, or “Nassau”. As this is by no means a legally defined name, variations and flourished versions of the name are often used in-game. These events are a unique place where participants are invited to join an ongoing role-play world based largely on a romanticized fantasy version of the Golden Age of Piracy.

While we are not a full LARP (Live Action Roleplay), neither are we strict historical re-enactors, and we enjoy a certain freedom with many additional elements deemed fitting to the overall experience, which do not break immersion, nor detract from the broad spectrum of what is generally considered part of the fantasy “pirate” world. We are a community where mutual respect has always been intended as the basis for interactions within our boundaries. As such, it is necessary to have clear and thorough rules so that all attendees, new or returning, can easily understand what is expected and allowed at our events.

Put simply, rules are often restricting, and rulebooks can be confusing. Often there is an idea that is written which seems clear and simple enough to the author, but the reader may not immediately understand the intent or full context. We acknowledge that it is impossible to foresee every possible situation and variable, and therefor may leave out some rule or guideline which would settle the matter. There may be areas which are missed, due to lack of omniscience. And while we are not always as strict about some of our rules as some re-enactment or LARP communities are, clarity and transparency mandate that we make clear what we expect or desire from our participants. We ask that you please keep that in mind when reading these rules, and consider these basic ideas:

• Our events require cooperation, honor, and fair play in order to ensure the most fun for all participants. No one enjoys a game where one of the players refuses to play by the same rules as everyone else. Please read the rules thoroughly. The more familiar they are to you, the better equipped you will be to resolve situations that are not explicitly written.

• While parts of this rulebook (or Codex) are very detailed, we have tried to include sections that provide a simplified explanation. This will aid in your first read through, as well as those just looking to get a quick overview so they can jump in. You will find these examples in many sections, which help to understand how the rule applies.

Examples will be contained in boxes to help them stand out.

• If something is ambiguous, it is important to use common sense. When trying to determine how to handle an unclear situation, please consider the following, in order:

‣ Consent of the parties involved

‣ Safety, both personal and of others

‣ Appropriateness of those in proximity, such as minors

‣ Fairness to all parties

‣ Immersion

Anything which violates a higher-level consideration in order to suit a lower level is unacceptable.

• All structures of rank or title are purely voluntary, as there is no real-world legal authority given to these ranks and titles, but refusal to honor them and “play along” will result in a loss of immersion for others. If you choose not to play along, that is your choice. You are welcome to leave the event at any time. What you are not welcome to do, is to refuse to acknowledge our immersive systems and remain within the event.

• Please read the rules in their entirety. Some rules may seem to say one thing when taken out of context but may be revealed to be something different when full context is considered.

• If a term is used within the event that is not explicitly defined in this Rulebook, the commonly accepted definition of the term should be applied.

When in doubt, be courteous and respectful, and always ensure consent, safety, and fairness of all involved. There are bound to be interactions between participants which were not imagined nor considered by the authors of this rulebook. If those interactions are unclear, please refer to the guides above to determine the best resolution for the situation in the most immersive and equitable way possible until an official ruling can be made.

All this said, have fun! Enjoy! There are a plethora options and possibilities within our events. Try something new. Try something different. Don’t be afraid to experiment, but also do not feel pressured into stepping out of your comfort zone.

Your level of participation is always up to you.




‣ Cooperation

‣ Game Ethics

‣ Involvement

‣ Inclusion

‣ Respect

‣ Tidyness

‣ Civic Responsibility


‣ Garb

‣ Tents and Camping

‣ Ships

‣ Flags

‣ Offensive Imagery


‣ Character

‣ Naming

‣ Titles of Presumption

‣ Claim to Rank

‣ Rank without Award


‣ Larceny

‣ In-Game Items

‣ Holding Abandoned Property for Ransom

‣ Hostages

‣ Ransom

‣ Capture

‣ Raids

‣ Boarding Party

‣ Off Limits


‣ Creation

‣ Requirements

‣ Tome of Known Artifacts

‣ Possession of Artifacts

‣ Guarding Artifacts

‣ Relics

‣ Larceny

‣ Cursed Artifacts

‣ Replicas and Forgeries

‣ Damage to Artifacts


‣ Overview

‣ The Factions

‣ Undeclared


‣ Titles

‣ Defender of Nassau

‣ Council of Nassau


‣ Bladed Weapons

‣ Gunpowder and Firearms

‣ Mock Conflict

‣ Melee Weapons

‣ Boffer Construction

‣ Ranged Weapons

‣ Armor

‣ Shields

‣ Shield Construction

‣ Resolving Mock Conflictt

‣ Kidnapping

‣ Live Steel in Mock Conflict

‣ Alternatives to Mock Conflict



This Codex (rulebook) applies to any and all events facilitated by Pacific Northwest Pirate Nation (PNPN), a registered Non-Profit corporation in the state of Oregon. At present, this includes (but is not limited to) the events owned by Pacific Northwest Pirate Nation, which are “Port Nassau: A SeaDog’s Refuge”, “Port Nassau: Tortuga Nights”, “Roast of Tortuga”, and “Port in the Storm”. These Role Play policies, unless specifically noted, apply to all such events, and to any future events created by Legacy Bay or operated by Pacific Northwest Pirate Nation.


As our events and our community grow and expand, it becomes important and necessary to think about the values which define us in our collective role-play experience. We count on you, the participants, to share and apply these within the community because you are the guardians of our pirate nation.


We are all part of a recognized and established community that includes different groups and individuals. The community is driven by support, safety, and integration. Participants must be able to rely on each other when needed. While in-game role-play rivalries, competition, and conflict are both welcome and encouraged, participants should avoid anything which might harm, upset, or inconvenience other participants out of game. Conflict within the game should never escalate to out of game physical violence. If you’re uncertain whether something qualifies as inappropriate behavior, you should avoid doing it.

Game Ethics

Each event is a recreational activity that requires fair-play and the respect of various rules. Whether it be during contests, daily activities within the virtual game, “combat” activities, or under any other form, participants must respect the rules of the game and their essence. If you are acting in a way which infringes upon other participants’ ability to have fun, then you are not playing in the spirit of the game. This includes, but is not limited to, role play that disrupts official event activities and games, or seeks to undermine the staff’s ability to run official activities and games. If you have an idea that involves changing or replacing a certain official activity, contest, or game, there is a proper method (detailed later) to bring that suggestion to the producers of the event.


The creative effort put forward by participants enriches each event. It is important that participants continue to be involved and put their person, their ideas, and their artistic endeavors to the service of a common objective: refining and improving the game. We encourage all participants to be as creative and free with their characters and affiliations, within the scope of the official game, as they please.


Since participants that partake in each event’s activities are involved in a process that directly influences their experience, elements of personal distinction cannot be used to discriminate against them. PNPN has a strict anti-discrimination policy, and role-play elements shall never be used as an excuse to violate it. Everyone is welcome regardless of sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical appearance, body size, disability or physical limitations, race, ethnicity, religious choices (or lack of), or age (other than specific event limits on minors).


Role-playing is not an excuse for neglecting the well-being of other participants. We are all responsible for the well-being of everyone who participates in the event’s activities. Respect for consent, personal boundaries, and the rules must coexist with the right to celebrate. Each participant has the right to the respect of his/her/their physical, psychological, and moral integrity, whether it be in-game or not.


While at events, the responsibility for the cleanliness of the site, both in private camps and in public areas, is a shared responsibility for all participants. All trash and debris are to be disposed of in appropriate receptacles, and in designated areas. The spirit of immersion is best enjoyed when there are not hazards of waste lying about, and continuation of site use is contingent upon how we as a group leave it. The Trash Warden demands sacrifice be paid by all in the form of refuse and rubbish, but only in the areas declared for such purpose. Failure to do so may incur the wrath of the Sovereign Nation of Ye Ol’ Trash Heap.

Civic Responsibility

The reality of life at each event must always be considered. It is every participant’s duty to encourage proper conduct and to report violations. Participants must do more than simply denounce inappropriate behavior; they must also adopt attitudes that promote respect and preserve harmony within the community. Under no circumstances may a participant violate local, state, or federal laws. Any policy or rule of the event which is grounded in local, state, or federal law is not to be disputed within the event itself, nor with staff (including volunteers) of the event.



Within our events, we ask that ALL attendees make a reasonable attempt to dress in a manner befitting the Fantasy Pirate theme. While this is primarily based on 18th Century fashion found in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy, we welcome many different styles and themes that complement the idea of ahistorical Fantasy. Most pre-20th Century clothing, and manners of dress from around the world, as well as fictionalized versions (including but not limited to Steampunk and other anachronistic styles) are welcome, as are those based on Mythology, Folklore, and romanticized history.

The primary goal is that we ask that attendees not dress in clearly modern, nor futuristic clothing (even if it is allegedly from an ancient setting in fiction).

Example: Garb which resembles a costume found in Pirates of the Caribbean, Treasure Planet, or even Lord of the Rings are all perfectly suitable, but costumes from Star Wars, Star Trek, Dune, etc., are discouraged.

Tents and Camping

We do not have requirements for tents and other camping shelters like many re-enactment groups. We understand that budget is a consideration for many. We do though highly encourage methods of either disguising or hiding clearly modern tents and there are many resources available for those who wish to learn. Tall panels around encampments can help hide clearly modern tents and can be easily decorated to add to the aesthetics of a camp. Covering battery lanterns with paper lantern surrounds can help disguise them. LED candles add ambiance to a camp, while not creating a fire hazard. There are many “flicker-flame” electric lights available now which add to the general immersion, as opposed to clearly modern battery powered electric lights. As with Garb, the intent is to “feel” Fantasy Pirate (and Pirate Adjacent), without the need to adhere to strict historically accurate methods.


While there is no requirement to have a “ship” to attend events within Nassau, the Fantasy Pirate Theme is greatly enhanced by those who do. Many groups set up mock ships that resemble wooden sailing ships, or the remnants of them. We do ask that anyone who desires to construct a ship do so with the same guiding principles as Garb, that they fit the immersive theme of the event and not be clearly modern nor futuristic.


What’s a pirate ship without a pirate flag? Flags are always welcome and encouraged, including those which display the markings used by real world historical pirates. Custom flags are encouraged as they add to the general appeal of the event. Modern national flags are allowable, though not entirely within the theme.

Offensive Imagery

No imagery that promotes, nor resembles, any movement (political or otherwise) which espouses hate, intolerance, nor injustice to marginalized communities in the real world is allowed. Nassau is an inclusive event, and anyone found displaying such imagery may be asked to remove it, leave the event, or possibly even may be banned from events, at the discretion of the Producers.



Each participant of PNPN’s events is encouraged to create a character, or persona, for themselves that differs from their real-life, mundane self. Some characters are very different, and some may only be slightly different. The degree of differentiation between a participant and their character is up to each participant. The key is to have fun, so no one should ever feel forced to create a specific type of character persona, nor feel shamed or embarrassed for having a character persona which is not all that dissimilar to their mundane self.


Commonly referred to as “pirate name”, “persona name”, or “character name”, each participant is encouraged to create a name for their event character that helps distinguish their in-game persona from their mundane self. Naming is often one of the trickiest tasks for some people, and some participants may choose to use a name that is very similar to their mundane name. While this is acceptable, it can lead to confusion when someone is trying to refer a character versus an actual person.

Example: A person’s mundane name might be Bartholomew Roberts, and his character name might be Bart. But if he goes by Bart in the mundane world, it’s hard to distinguish if someone else is speaking about him or his character.

Names often can include nicknames or monikers as was a common practice during the Golden Age of Piracy. Many participants say that nicknames and monikers are best earned, not chosen (and some ships and camps adhere to this as an internal rule), however it is up to each participant to use or not use them as they wish.

Example: Edward Teach was commonly referred to as “Blackbeard”. Johnathan (Jack) Rackham was referred to as “Calico Jack” Rackham.

In keeping with the spirit of being a historically based LARP, names that aren’t really “names” are discouraged (though not explicitly disallowed). A name should sound like something a parent would name their child, even though later nicknames and monikers might be added.

Example: It is unlikely that parents would have named their child “Black Bart”. But a character named Bartholomew Roberts, who later earns (or chooses) the moniker Black Bart is in keeping with the spirit of immersion.

Some people might wish to add certain flourishes to their name. Often, flourishes are earned by way of a specific deed or position within the game, however some flourishes are acceptable to use if they do not violate the naming policy.

Example: Benjamin Hornigold, the Widowmaker is acceptable so long as “the Widowmaker” is not a title nor honorific currently awarded by any official game, contest, or activity within the Nation of Nassau.

Names that include, or are accompanied, by an element that resembles a title have specific rules governing their use.

Names which include offensive language are not strictly prohibited but may be problematic when used around minors. Please be mindful. Some names may be deemed so offensive due to context or meaning that they may not be allowed, but this will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Producers.

Titles of Presumption

Presumption is a false claim. This includes claims of restricted rank or powers that the participant does not possess within the Nation of Nassau or that we do not allow anyone to claim. It also includes claims of identity or close relationship with a person outside of PNPN’s events who is considered important by many people within and outside the Nation. Presumption is not dependent on intent; even if such a claim was not intended, the appearance of a claim is not allowed.

Example: Even though Nassau does not currently have a King or Queen, because The Nation of Nassau acknowledges monarchs of the SCA, ROC, SeaDog Nation, and other groups which grant use of those titles, no one may declare themselves a King or Queen, even of a fictionalized nation, and use it within their Name, Moniker or Flourishes.

Claim to Rank

Names, nicknames, monikers, and flourishes may not contain a claim to a protected and/or restricted rank or title that the participant does not possess within the Nation, but which are in use within Nassau, are listed as forbidden titles/ranks within Nassau, or are protected/restricted ranks and titles granted by other re-enactment or LARP groups which Nassau has recognized as “Visiting Dignitaries and Persons of Acclaim”.

Example: Winners of the “Defender of Nassau” competition are granted the rank of “Commander”. No one other than those specifically granted use of this rank may use this as a rank, nor as part of their Name, Moniker, or Flourishes.

Rank without Award

Certain ranks within Nassau are allowed for use by meeting specific conditions, without the need for the participant to be awarded the title by way of contest, competition, or game. These are ranks which were commonly held onboard ship or within households and are governed by those within each group to use as they deem appropriate. We ask that anyone who chooses to use these ranks and titles do so within the spirit of immersion.

Example: Captain was not just a military title but is what the person at the highest level of command of a ship was called. Participants may use “Captain” as a rank so long as they have a crew of appropriate size who follow them and acknowledge them as the Captain. A person camping by themselves may call themselves “Captain”, but without a crew this does not fit the spirit of the title, nor would having a crew full of Captains.

A list of commonly held shipboard ranks, household titles, and other official titles and ranks will be maintained in the Registry of the Lists, with copies available at Scuttlebutt and on the Port Nassau website.

Example: Common shipboard ranks and titles, such as Quartermaster, Boatswain (Bosun), First Mate, etc. are allowed for use by crews as that crew sees fit.

The use of any rank or title not covered on the Registry of the Lists is not expressly forbidden but does not guarantee recognition nor honors within Nassau. Clear attempts to deceive the community with use of titles or ranks in a way which appears to indicate that they are “official”, holding station or privilege within the Nation, will be held as infractions as covered by Presumption and possibly subject to board review of your conduct if deemed malicious in nature and/or disruptive to the community at large.


As a Romanticized Fantasy Pirate event, with LARP elements, it is expected that participants will desire to engage in acts of piracy, such as “stealing” of items, holding property or people for ransom, and other generally accepted pirate style acts. Even those whose character is not necessarily a “pirate” may wish to engage in this style of game play. These “Shenanigans” are highly encouraged in the spirit of enhancing the immersion and fun of the event, but it should always be remembered that a game is only fun when everyone follows the same rules, and when everyone actually wants to play. Should any camp not want to participate in role-play Shenanigans, that must be respected at all times.


The act of taking an item from another Camp, within the rules of the event, is hereby termed “Larceny” in-game.

While visiting any Camp, it is forbidden to remove, conceal, or otherwise attempt to claim ANY property for any reason which is not owned by you or a Camp you represent, other than properly designated “In-Game” items. This includes items that you wish to ransom, use for bribery or trade, or other styles of shenanigans. Theft is theft and will not be tolerated, even when under the claim of role-play.

Items within the Merchant Area, or Staff structures, are NEVER considered “in game” and any theft from merchants or staff will NOT be tolerated.

Larceny from another Camp is permitted any time the publicly accessible areas of the Camp are “open” to visitors starting immediately following Opening Court and concluding at the start of Closing Court. During this time period, all In-Game items, such as Flags and Artifacts, should be kept in a location which allows for the possibility of Larceny.

Example: Keeping an Artifact in your personal tent, or “below decks” during the daytime is considered bad-faith gameplay. This is not an area where you would allow visitors and therefor it removes the possibility of proper Larceny by game rules.

Camps may “secure” their Colours and Artifacts when they go dark for the night. When they have extinguished all lights in the public areas and are no longer allowing visitors on board, they have “gone dark”. The intent is to keep items in play as much as possible but allow for Camps to actually get some sleep without a guard being posted all night.

Larceny is ALWAYS an opt-in style system, and no Camp will be forced to play should they choose not to.

In-Game Items

Colours: Any flag displayed by a Ship, Household, or other Camp, bearing its symbol, is considered “In-Game” and may be the target of Larceny. Ransom MUST be offered, and no flag may be taken if something must be cut, broken, or physically modified in order to get it. Any flag taken MUST be returned in exactly the same condition it was before being taken. Any camp which has its colours secured with something which must be cut, broken, or otherwise physically modified has NOT opted-in to the Larceny game.

Sterlings: All Sterlings are considered in game, as these are Role Play currency with no real world value. If Sterlings are out in the open, especially unattended, they are fair game. Leaving Sterlings laying about is a good way to get them stolen. No one is authorized to enter any “non public” area, open any container, or otherwise “go into” something to get Sterlings, however.

Example: Charles Vane carries his Sterlings in a pouch on his belt. It is not allowed to open his pouch and “pick pocket” him for his Sterlings. But if Charles should set a pile of Sterlings on a table to count them and then leave the table and visit the bar, his unattended Sterlings are up for the taking.

Artifacts: Any Artifact may be the target of Larceny. Artifacts are typically held but requesting Ransom for their return is allowable. Any Artifact held by a Camp MUST be kept in a publicly accessible area of the Camp, in order to give other Participants a chance to commit Larceny of them. Possessing an Artifact qualifies as making the choice to opt-in to the Larceny game.

Game Tokens: Any item specifically designed for an independent game as one of that game’s tokens. These items MUST conform to the rules of that game and be known as tokens within that game. Only participants who are engaged in that game, and known to its facilitators, can take a token of that game from another Camp.

Example: The Thieves’ Guild maintains their own game in which players try to “steal” tokens from each other in a competition. These tokens are designed specifically for their game and are publicized and marked.

Specific agreements between Camps MAY allow for Larceny on pre-agreed terms, so long as it does not violate any other event rules. No one should EVER presume an agreement exists, and if it is uncertain, every participant must follow event rules as though no agreement exists.

Camps which have friendly rapport between them might agree that certain items can be taken by the other camp in the name of fun. This agreement must be agreed to openly and known to all members of both Camps. Camps which agree to playing this way will NOT be held as violating the event rules, even though technically not following them, though if either Camp wishes to end the agreement, that must be honored by the other Camp immediately. This should never be considered as officially endorsed but is an allowable exception that will be acknowledged should a third party witness an act and report it unknowingly.

Holding Abandoned Property for Ransom

If a participant leaves an item of theirs in another Camp which they are not a member of, it may be considered “Abandoned” for purposes of game play. In order to be properly considered Abandoned, the owner must have completely left the boundaries of the camp, and the item may not have been concealed from its owner while they were still in the camp. It is then permissible for that Camp to hold that Abandoned item for Ransom. A Ransom Note MUST be delivered to the owner as quickly as able, and the item cannot be “hidden” from the owner if they return to claim it.

Example: If Charles Vane leaves his hat sitting on the bar of the Queen Anne’s Revenge (a ship which he is not a crew member of), and then later returns seeking it, the crew of the QAR is not allowed to say “no, we don’t have it.” They must state that they do have it, and then present terms for its return.

Any and all items which were claimed as Abandoned and held for Ransom MUST be turned into Lost and Found immediately following Closing Court if arrangements have not been made with the proper owner for their return prior to the conclusion of Court.


Certain participants within the community hold positions of note which make them valuable targets within the roleplay game. Those holding titles of nobility or station are often found to be the target of pirates seeking to claim a Ransom, as might Captains or Officers of rival camps. The process of claiming a Hostage shall involve speaking plainly to the desired target and stating to them “You are my Hostage”. This may be done loudly or whispered in close proximity to them. Hostages will always be treated with absolute dignity and respect while being held and shall retain the right to refrain from roleplay.

Example: Jack Rackham may see Prince John sitting at a party, without escort or guards. Jack approaches Prince John unchallenged, produces his pistol which he brandishes to Prince John, and declares the Prince his Hostage. If no one nearby should challenge this, then Prince John will accompany Jack back to Rackham’s Camp to await Ransom.

rmed resistance may be used to repel the attempt to claim a hostage, following the approved Methods of Combat, and ANY participant who is involved in an activity which they cannot remove themselves from may state that they must remain where they are until the conclusion of such activity.

Example: Jack Rackham approaches Prince John, produces his pistol, and John’s guards immediately draw swords to repel the Hostage attempt. Jack has accompanying men with him, and they best the guards. Prince John is then claimed as a Hostage.

Once claimed a Hostage, the captor must escort the Hostage back to their Camp, where they are required to provide the Hostage with a comfortable place to sit, shade from the sun, and water. After dark, Hostages must be seated in a well-lit area and care should be made to ensure they are warm enough. Should they wish to provide the Hostage with more accommodations, such as drinks and food, that is their prerogative. Hostages, while valuable targets in the sense of roleplay, are to be considered your guest at all times. Ransom MUST be demanded at the time the Hostage is taken, should other crew of theirs be present, or delivered to their Camp immediately.

Any who does not Consent to being taken Hostage has that right. It may seem like it is not in the spirit of fair gameplay, but personal Consent is ALWAYS required. It is advised to not engage in attempting to claim a Hostage with people who are unfamiliar with you or at times when the target is clearly engaged in an activity they cannot depart from.


Any time a Hostage is taken, Abandoned Property is held, or Larceny of the Colours is committed, it is mandatory to leave a Ransom Note at the scene in plain view, or promptly deliver one to an officer or leader of the Ship, House, or Camp affected, or to the person whose Property was Abandoned. A proper Ransom Note must make clear four things:

• WHAT: What is the Ransom for? If a Hostage was taken, who it was. If it’s property, what the property is, including where it was left if it is Abandoned Property.

• WHO: Who is the Ransom due to.

• WHERE: Where must the Ransom payer go to conduct the paying and retrieval.

• HOW: How shall the Ransom be paid? Ransoms must be kept reasonable.

Notes should be clear and easy to understand, though immersive language and simple riddles are acceptable. The objective is to keep it fun, and interesting, for everyone involved.


Any Ship, Household, or other Camp which displays the Colours is a potential target for Capture. Capture is one of the more skilled forms of Shenanigans and can lead to interesting role-play when successful. Capture occurs when the crew of one Camp is able to display their Colours above or more prominently than the Colours of the Camp they are capturing. The Colours of the Captors must remain flying, uncontested, for a reasonable amount of time. Any Camp which is Captured during dark hours must be undisturbed by the Captors, who are still bound by limits of public and private encampment. The Captors must then return during daylight hours, no earlier than 8am, to make their claim. If the Colours which they flew remain in the place, the target is considered Captured, and Ransom (or other Terms) may be presented. Capture may also be the result of a successful Raid.

Example: Black Bart and some cohorts sneak onto the deck of the Queen Anne’s Revenge while the crew of QAR is playing Norse Stickball. They lower the QAR’s flag and place their own flag above it, then hoist it back up. (They may also take the QAR’s flag in exchange if it is a valid Larceny target). They then leave the deck and wait until dinner time, when they return and announce that they have captured the QAR, pointing out their flags which still remains flying on the QAR’s mast.


Crews may wish to engage in the Raiding of other Camps, for the purpose of Larceny of an Artifact, taking a Hostage, or Capture of the Camp itself. Raids shall be conducted using the approved Methods of Combat, and only during daylight hours, but no earlier than 9am. Raids after dark may not be in the form of an aggressive battle, but only an Boarding Party (due to safety of low-light conditions). Raids may never be made on a Camp which is “closed” for some private event (such as a wedding) or once the public area of the Camp is dark and closed to visitors. As a matter of etiquette, it is best to verify that a Camp is able to fight off a raid before using an aggressive raid, when an armed boarding party could accomplish the same task.

Boarding Party

Similar to a Raid, a Boarding Party is one which approaches another Camp while armed and states their intent to board. Should the Camp not be prepared to repel a raid, a Boarding Party may enter the public area of the Camp, state their intent (Larceny of an Artifact, taking a Hostage, etc.) and then make demands. Boarding Parties must only be armed per the approved Methods of Combat, and only during daylight hours and open nighttime hours.

Example: The crew of Queen Anne’s Revenge approach the Ranger. They see only one crewmember of the Ranger aboard, and they state they are boarding. There is no armed resistance to this, and so the QAR crew boards the Ranger in order to seize the Artifact kept on the Ranger’s bar.

Off Limits

Merchant’s Row is off limits for games which involve Larceny and Ransom, whether official or not. Anyone found removing any property not legally theirs from a Merchant tent will be considered as committing theft. Likewise, Merchants are strictly forbidden from possessing and displaying any in-game tokens or Artifacts within their merchant tent to avoid confusion about this rule.

Any and all facilities, structures, and equipment used by event staff to conduct event related business, including but not limited to official games, contests, participant assistance, et al are strictly off limits to Larceny, claimed as Abandoned and held for Ransom, Raids, or other role-play Shenanigans. If event equipment is accidentally left in a Camp, it is to be IMMEDIATELY turned in to Gate or Scuttlebutt. Any personal items which are not regarded as event equipment but are found in an event structure are to be promptly turned in to Lost and Found.

Violation of Off-Limits areas may be handled as possible theft by the Producers of the event.


In order to facilitate gameplay as Pirates and yet eliminate the concerns some participants have over older “theft” games which had vague, unwritten rules, the Shenanigans have been simplified and Larceny rules adopted to allow gameplay AND security of possessions. This then creates the need for something which is allowed to be stolen, captured, seized, held for ransom, etc. within the confines of the game.

In-game, Artifacts are legendary items which are unique and valuable. They might contain magical or mystical powers, they might be a rare treasure stolen from long-ago, or they might be a symbol of status and power. Whatever the purpose of the Artifact, that is for the creator of the Artifact to decide.


The creation of an ARTIFACT is a task which can be undertaken by anyone wishing to add to the game. It is encouraged that bigger Ships and Households might create Artifacts, but this is by no means mandatory. The Pirate Council elected at Tortuga will be tasked each year with the creation of an Artifact, and various contests to create Artifacts may be held at different events.

It is highly encouraged that during creation, not only should a role-play name be given to the Artifact, but a backstory be attached to it. This is the time to be as creative as you can and apply a bit of history and mythology.


In order to be considered a proper Artifact, the following design rules should be adhered to:

• May be as small as a ring, as long as they contain the proper markings

• Should be no larger than what can easily be carried by one person.

• Should be constructed in a way which makes them sturdy enough to be handled frequently. Fragile Artifacts will be quickly broken in the course of normal game play

• Should be given a name. This can be as basic or fanciful as the creating team chooses. Names can reflect who created them, or what they do.

• Must all be submitted for review to the Artificers for approval before they are entered into the Larceny game.

• MUST display somewhere on them the symbol indicating they are an approved Artifact (this will be placed on them upon approval by the Artificers).

• Must be catalogued in the Tome of Artifacts (this will be conducted by the Artificers)

Tome of Known Artifacts

All Artifacts will be recorded in the Tome of Artifacts, which will be maintained by the Artificers. A copy of the Tome will be available at Scuttlebutt (as well as online). The Tome will contain an image of the Artifact, information about its “Discovery” or creation (in-game), and a list of any and all perks which arise from possession of said Aratifact. The Tome will also note the last known possessor of each Artifact.

Possession of Artifacts

Any camp possessing an Artifact may gain certain perks, either by way of possession of the Artifact itself, or because their Faction grants a perk for said Artifact. Artifacts are considered “in game” at all times, and as such shall not be removed from open areas of events. This means that if your Camp possesses an Artifact, it must be kept in an area where you allow public entry during daylight and waking hours. Artifacts may not be stored in personal tents, nor other Out of Bounds areas during normal hours, but may be secured at night when the camp is closed and may be stored before Opening Court and after Closing Court.

Example: The Queen Anne’s Revenge has taken possession of The Holy Grail. They keep it on display on their bar, which is open to visitors. Once the bar and deck of the QAR is closed for the night, and all lights extinguished, they may store The Holy Grail behind the bar in a securely locked cabinet, but it must be returned to the top of the bar in the morning.

Should it be found that a Camp is storing an Artifact in a manner which completely prohibits others from attempting to gain it without violating event rules, such as in their private tent, or in an off-limits area, the Sherriff may be asked to confiscate the Artifact from that Camp and award it to another Camp to return it to play.

After Closing Court of each Event, anyone who successfully obtained possession of an Artifact should notify the Lore Master so that the Tome of Known Artifacts may be updated and that any perks which accompany said Artifact may be applied to the possessor.

Guarding Artifacts

Camps are allowed, and encouraged, to properly guard Artifacts possessed by them. These are unique objects of great value (in-game), and as such it is expected that Camps in possession of them would take measures to prevent the loss of them. Guards may be armed and may use any allowed in-game Method of Combat to prevent the loss of an Artifact.


Relics exist as a special type of Artifact. They are the focus of the parties on Tavern Row at Tortuga and are only considered “in-game” during the hours of the Party, currently set to 8pm – Midnight on the Saturday of the event. See the “Rules and Governance for the Hosting of Parties on Tavern Row at Tortuga” for more specifics about them


Between Opening Court and Closing Court, and during Daylight and waking hours, any crew may attempt Larceny to gain an Artifact held by another Camp. The tactics used are up to them; they might try to sneak off with it, they might board the ship and demand it, or they might raid the ship and claim it in victory. As long as all other Larceny rules are followed, and any conflict is resolved using approved Methods of Combat, it is considered fair and proper.

Cursed Artifacts

It is possible, and likely, that there may exist replicas or mock artifacts. Any ship which possesses a true Artifact may even attempt to disguise it by placing it in a collection of these replicas. Care should be taken when committing Larceny to not accidentally take one of these replicas, for they are cursed, and those who take them will be negatively impacted. Additionally, ships in possession of replicas that are found to be intended forgeries will find their Artifacts Cursed.

Replicas and Forgeries

It is allowable to create replicas of Artifacts, or mock artifacts. Replicas may be similar but must be noticeably different from catalogued Artifacts and may NOT bear the marking of the Artificers. Any “replica” which bears the marking of the Artificers will be considered a Forgery, and negative penalties will apply to those who attempted such forgery.

Damage to Artifacts

Should, in the act of Larceny or possession of an Artifact, the Artifact become broken, the Camp with possession is asked to make repairs to the Artifact to keep it in play. If repairs cannot be made, the Camp in possession of it, or the party responsible for damaging it, will be asked to create a new Artifact to replace it. Artifacts damaged beyond repair may be replaced with a new Artifact which bears the same name and shall be considered the same Artifact for gameplay purposes.



Factions can be thought of as general alliances, at a tier higher than participant created alliances. Some participants might form a fleet of multiple ships, or an alliance of houses, or some other organization in which they agree to band together for certain in-game elements. A Faction can be joined by multiple alliances, even those who do not possess a more formal alliance among themselves, or of singular ships, houses, fleets, etc. Think of it as being on the same “side” while not necessarily on the same team. Perhaps ships within a faction are competitive with each other to be the dominant ship within their faction, but when it comes to an opposing faction, they would band together to oppose another faction.

Example: Blackbeard and Charles Vane each have their own crew. These crews will often clash over which crew is the more powerful, or which should be allowed to pursue a prize. But both being Pirates, they join forces to oppose the British Navy, who has temporarily allied with the Spanish Armada, in order to rid the Caribbean of pirates. In this situation, Blackbeard and Vane would be of one faction, while the royal navies from Europe would be another faction.

The Faction system of the Nation of Nassau is a purely optional component of gameplay that is not required for any participant, but which will enhance certain gameplay aspects and can result in some in-game perks. Ships, Houses, Fleets, Alliances, and such are encouraged to declare a Faction, and to join with other groups within their Faction for certain gameplay elements, such as the Titles system. At present, the Titles Game is the only other game that requires joining a Faction, as the Titles are tailored to reflect and enhance the Factions. Other gameplay elements will be rolled out which utilize Factions or give specific roles to Factions.

Additionally, certain Factions will be granted perks in-game for the possession and safe-guarding of specific Artifacts (see Artifacts under Role-Playing Piracy: In-game Items).

In order to have some dynamics of alliances and adversaries, but not to become too encumbered with logistics, we have decided to implement a system that is composed of three Factions. These Factions are a framework within which we hope attendees will find inspiration for Role Play activities and opportunities.

The Factions

Alliance of the Key: Those who seek glory and adventure and believe in Self-Rule. They reject titles of nobility and often are at odds with governing bodies. Their primary loyalty is to their crew, and to their Captain. Some merely seek to be free from the shackles of politics and just wish to celebrate all that life has to offer. They pride themselves on being “free” to do as they will, yet they still follow a code. Loosely bound by a Brethren Code, there is honor among thieves.

Union of the Quill: Those who wish to tame the World, with a civil structure, but one free from the tyranny of Nobles and Royalty, they choose the Rule of Law. They are often tradesfolk, merchants, and entrepreneurs, though many other lifestyles are found within their ranks. They are those who wish to enjoy the benefits of a civilized world, unlike the barbaric anarchists who call themselves “self-rulers”, and seek the camaraderie and companionship of their neighbors. They will defend what’s theirs but understand that democracy and the Rule of Law are more important that archaic systems of privilege and station.

Order of the Crown: Those who embrace “the Old Ways”, maintaining that nobility is paramount to the mob mentality of so-called democracy, and that royalty is a thing to be respected, not rejected. Rule by Birthright is the core of their chosen system. They refuse to set aside the titles of old, even though they too have come to seek the more free way of life of pirates. They look down upon those who live with no respect for the natural law, which is that power is staked to station, and station claimed by those with ambition.


As the Faction system is completely voluntary, we respect that some participants will choose not to join one of these factions. Anyone choosing not to join a faction will remain “undeclared” and be treated as neutral in all gameplay elements which Factions are considered during. This does not mean they are not part of the greater LARP, simply that they are not one of the declared factions, and therefor may not receive the perks that Factions are able to earn and may find themselves not part of certain gameplay elements, such as Raiding. All participants of Legacy Bay are considered “undeclared” until such time as they specifically declare one of the defined factions.


Within our Role Play Nation, there are many who will hold positions which invoke responsibility or authority. There are many Titles and Ranks to be had, within the boundaries defined under Persona Naming and Honorifics, and within the Nation we acknowledge and honor them, but it is important to remember that they do not hold any actual, mundane world power in any way. A person with Title or Rank cannot “make” you do anything you have not consented to.

That said, it IS important to distinguish Role Play Titles and Rank from Staff. Event Staff are charged with the task of running the event and may at time place requirements on someone. This is to be accepted and complied with when in the interest of the Event’s Policies, Rules, and Safety Guidelines. By entering the Event, you consent to follow the instructions of Event Staff.

Also, when visiting a Ship, Household, or other Camp, that area is to be considered “private property” for the course of the Event, and anyone within that group has the right to ask you to follow their group’s internal rules or to leave their area. This includes observing and acknowledging their internal ranking structure and any Titles or Rank they may hold within that group. By entering a clearly marked Camp, you consent to their internal rules as though you had entered someone’s private house (assuming of course these rules do not contradict Site Rules nor Civic Laws). Should there ever be a question of contradiction of their rules, you have the right to exit their Camp.

The key, as with everything in our Nation, is consent, safety, fairness, and fun.

For those seeking to earn Titles and Rank within the Nation itself, we have multiple Challenges that offer that opportunity.


Fancy a Title? While not everyone will choose to, those with the coin and gumption may wish to elevate the status of their Persona with a Title of note. While these Titles do not confer actual rank, they are a way to enhance the role play within and among the Factions, as well as to add dramatic embellishment to Names.

Each Faction features a ranking of Tiers flavored to suit them. The higher Tiers of the game involve obligations of service to the Nation in terms of increasing role play elements and opportunities, as well as granted some benefits and privileges to those who have earned them.

Refer to The Rules and Governance Regarding the Acquisition and Retention of Titles Denoting Honorifics, Peerage, and other Appellations within the Nation of Nassau for more information.

Defender of Nassau

In a Nation full of Pirates and various other ne’er-do-wells, it becomes necessary to have a Champion who will defend the Nassau against tyranny, injustice, or even complete anarchy. To find such a person, the call is put out each year for those who think they have the mettle to test their wits, skill, luck, and fortitude in a contest.

Prospective candidates will submit their names and then be given their requirements to complete. The competition is held during the course of the Port Nassau event, with the winner being declared at Closing Court and granted the Title of Commander.

Additionally, the Pirate Council may call upon the Defender of Nassau to do just that, defend the Nation when there is mischief afoot. Perhaps acting as Sheriff, pursuing Bounties, or even apprehending criminals to be brought to Tribunal.

Interested individuals should refer to The Rules and Governance of the Quest to become the Defender of Nassau.

Council of Nassau

Gone are the days of rule by Monarchy, instead Nassau is guided by a Pirate Council. Each year at Tortuga, members of the Nation will compete for seats on the Council. Judged on their performance in categories which test their skill, wit, and reputation within the Nation, these Councilors will hold their position for one Event Season, commencing at Closing Court of Tortuga.

While Councilors are not tasked with the mundane business of hosting the event, they often will promote causes and works within the nation in an effort to both aid the community as well as drive the story of the events. They may promote a campaign of safety both personal and intimate, cleanliness of the site, encouragement of youth activities, or any other aspect which they believe can provide a better experience for everyone. Or they may choose to simply strut about, boasting of their status and yet providing very little of value to the rest. What councilors do with their term is a role-play decision they make as a group.

Councilors may also promote games and education within the Nation or may push for conflict between the Factions. If the council leans heavily towards one particular Faction, they may try to use their power to gain leverage over the other Factions, or to punish their rivals.

Serving on the Pirate Council is both a position of honor and of obligation, as many in the Nation will look to them for guidance or advise, and some may place the blame for any misgivings squarely on them as well.

For the process of winning a seat on the Pirate Council, please refer to Rules and Governance for the Election of the Council of Nassau.


We understand that our participants will wish to carry weapons as part of their garb. We accept all costume weaponry fitting to the theme of the event, and we ask that participants take personal responsibility in the use, display, and storage of these weapons.

Bladed Weapons

Swords, daggers, knives, or other bladed weapons are collectively referred to as “live steel”. While we have no restrictions on the carrying of live steel, we ask that it remained securely stored in a sheath or scabbard when possible. Live steel may be held for particular display purposes, but participants should never walk around casually holding live steel. This is a recipe for an accident. Even blades that are not sharp can still potentially injure a person, and the observer should not have to assess whether a blade is sharp when nearby. Sword fighting with other participants is only allowed under very closely monitored and regulated circumstances and should never happen in public spaces. Knives which are used for utility purposes are allowed at the discretion of the user.

Under NO circumstances is it ever acceptable to threaten another participant with a bladed weapon, and live steel should never be drawn in anger.

Additionally, live steel is NOT permitted to be drawn at night (after dark), or while drinking.

Gunpowder and Firearms

Flintlocks, blunderbusses, and other firearms which are designed for use with gunpowder are acceptable as part of garb, so long as they are carried unloaded and unprimed. No black-powder weapons shall be fired outside of officially approved firing ranges established by the event. Non-firing replica weaponry is always allowed.

Mock Conflict

Within our romanticized fantasy pirate world, there is bound to be conflict which sometimes requires the use of “violence” in order to resolve the situation. While real world violence is neither permitted nor excused, for the purpose of role-play it is necessary to define what is acceptable and encouraged as a way to act out allegedly violent actions.

Should anyone seek to engage in mock conflict they must assure that their opponent consents. Combat outside of the Warfield or other Marshalled combat games will always be conducted with Boffer Weapons and Nerf guns following these rules of Mock Conflict. Should those be unavailable, then other methods of resolving the conflict MUST be used.

Marshalled combat events and other games may have further requirements and allowances. Please refer to their rules for specific information.

Melee Weapons

Whether it be a dagger, rapier, great axe, club, or any other of the thousands of ways humans have created to inflict harm on each other, any weapon which is meant to held while it comes into physical combat with the victim’s body is to be constructed as a Boffer style weapon. This includes padding and clear indication that this is NOT an actual real weapon.

Boffer Construction

All Boffers must meet the following criteria:

• A minimum of 1” foam on any striking surface. This may be one or two layers.

• A minimum of 2” thickness, and 2.5” diameter foam on any thrusting or stabbing surface.

• A core of either 1/2″ or 3/4” diameter PVC pipe. Certain weapons such as daggers may be constructed entirely of foam with no core. Additionally, LARP weapons constructed per the standards of organizations such as Amtgard may possess a carbon, graphite, or other approved core within those rule sets, assuming all other aspects of the weapon also meet the same standards

• Duct tape covering of all striking and thrusting surfaces. Duct tape should run lengthwise of a blade and should not be tight enough to constrict the foam and reduce the padding.

• A snug cloth cover may be secured over valid Duct tape surfaces for aesthetics. No loose cloth.

• Vinyl electrical tape may not be used for striking or thrusting surfaces, but may be used on non-contact areas for decoration, or on grips.

• Grip tape, such as for tennis rackets, may be used only on the handle surface where the weapon is typically gripped.

• The striking surface must produce some flex, but not be something which produces a whipping effect when swung.

• No boffer may contain a core made of solid wood, metal pipe nor other non flexible material.

• Cords, strings, ropes, or chains should be avoided as these may become entangled with other weapons.

There are many guides to boffer construction available online should you need assistance. Boffer weapons purchased through vendors for use in LARP combat are typically safe for use, as long as the above criteria are met.

Ranged Weapons

Most ranged weapons are not allowed in Mock Conflict, such as projectile weapons, thrown weapons, etc. Nerf guns, designed to replicate flintlocks, blunderbusses, or muskets may be used. It is recommended to decorate the Nerf gun to blend with the immersive theme of the event, but not required. Only stock Nerf darts are allowed, and anyone using a custom or modified Nerf gun which is deemed to fire with too much force may be disallowed.

Nerf guns may NOT be reloaded during a single instance of Mock Conflict, but multiple Nerf guns may be used.


Armor is allowed for wearing, but outside of Marshalled combat events, armor shall have no bearing on the results of Mock Conflict. Any armor that is worn must be free of sharp protrusions, sharp edges, or other surfaces which might cause injury to another person in Mock Conflict.


While Pirates did not commonly use shield during ship-to-ship combat, occasions where a shield was fitting may occur. Shields are allowed in Mock Conflict. Should a shield be struck with a blow that would render a wound, the shield itself will be considered to have taken the wound. Shields are permitted two (2) wounds before they must be cast aside.

Shield Construction

All Shields used in Mock Conflict must meet the following criteria:

• Must be constructed of a material which does not break or bend significantly during Mock Conflict. Rigid, easily breakable, or low-density foam are all unacceptable. Some accept materials are:

‣ High-Density foam

‣ Plywood

‣ High impact plastic

‣ Aluminum

• Must have an opaque, durable cover such as duct tape, cloth, or PlastiDip

• 1” closed cell foam padding on the rim and face

• No exposed hard edges which might reasonably come into contact with another person during Mock Conflict

• Must be at least 36 square inches on its face and 6 inches along any side, or 6-3/4 inches in diameter if round

• May not exceed 8 square feet on its face or 38-1/4 inches in diameter if round

• Must contain a hand grip if larger than 3 square feet on its face or 24-1/2 inches in diameter if round

• May contain a support strap for the arm, in addition to a hand grip. Shields less than 3 square feet may be strapped only without a hand grip.

• Must not be constructed in a manner which causes confusion about their purpose, and must not resemble a weapon

Resolving Mock Conflict

Striking another person with a Boffer weapon, or shooting them with a Nerf gun, is considered valid combat. During Mock Conflict, the only valid areas to strike another person are:

• Body: Tops of the shoulders, armpits, back, torso, and abdomen above the navel. A hit to the Body results in “incapacitation” for the target.

• Arms: Wrist to shoulder. A hit to the arm results in loss of use of that arm, and it must be placed behind the person’s back. A wounded arm may not carry or hold any equipment.

• Legs: Ankle to hip, including the rear. A hit to the leg results in the loss of that leg, and it must be dragged on the ground, with the foot not leaving the ground, and no weight applied to it. Should both legs be hit, the person must kneel and is considered immobile.

During Mock Conflict, a person is “incapacitated” after being hit in the Body, or after three (3) limbs have been rendered unusable. The “incapacitated” person should immediately and loudly state they are (this may be called as “dead” for simplicity sake, but we know death is fleeting and elusive), and should remove themselves from the Mock Conflict.

It is never allowed to hit a person in the head with a Boffer. Accidental Nerf shots to the head will be counted as valid kills. Deliberately shooting at the head is forbidden.

If a hand holds no weapon, gun, or other object, an open palm may be considered a valid hit to the arm.

Any deliberate hits to the face or groin will result in the immediate end of Mock Conflict for the person.

While Mock Conflict is often quick, care must be taken to avoid actions which may cause injury to other attendees. The responsibility of actions always rests completely on the person taking the actions, and any unsafe action is forbidden.

The following actions are allowed during Mock Conflict.

• Weapon to Weapon contact

• Weapon to Body contact in valid Hit Locations

• Body to Weapon contact in an effort to push away the weapon, so long as it is not grabbed or trapped. This actions still counts as a valid hit to the affected Body part, though.

• Weapon to Shield contact

• Shield to Weapon contact, to deflect, move, or pin a weapon

• Shield to Shield contact, to deflect, move, turn, or pin an opponent’s Shield

The following actions are NOT allowed during Mock Conflict.

• Body to Body contact

• Body to Shield contact

• Shield to Body contact in a deliberate or striking manner. Using a shield to prevent an opponent from moving towards or against you is acceptable, however.

• Weapon to Body contact in any location that is not a valid Hit Location, or with any part of a Weapon that is not an allowed striking or thrusting surface

It is important to the remember that the intent of combat is to simulate armed conflict in a pirate setting and intended to still be fun to participants. Unlike the SCA, blows do NOT have to be of a sufficient force to be rated as “hard”, but they must be able to be felt by the target. Grazing blows are not counted but blows which are obvious and noticeable are considered valid. Any hits to loose Garb or other equipment shall not be considered a valid hit. Hits which are found to be excessively hard may result being asked to refrain from further Mock Conflict. Fair play and honesty is key to fun resolution.

Anyone who becomes angry or upset should immediately remove themselves from Mock Conflict and take a break.

Any real injuries which occur during Mock Conflict IMMEDIATELY end the actions of all surrounding participants, and the injured person must be properly tended to before any additional Mock Conflict may resume.


During Mock Conflict, should a person land three (3) legal blows to their opponent, or should they hold their opponent “at gunpoint”, they may announce their opponent as their prisoner. This must be done loudly so that others may hear. From that point, the “prisoner” is considered “incapacitated” for purposes of Mock Conflict, and they will be considered as a Hostage per the rules above (see Hostages under the ROLE-PLAYING PIRACY section).

Live Steel in Mock Conflict

Any melee weapon with a blade made from metal, whether it is sharpened or not, is considered “Live Steel”. This includes replica blades, and purely decorated blades, as well as functional blades.


Participants who carry live steel must be very aware of their surroundings and perceived intent when they draw. They may “stand at the ready” using a live steel blade but may never under any circumstances motion as though they intend to strike another person, nor make contact with another person using the weapon. If a person carrying Live Steel already has the blade drawn before someone initiates role-play aggression, they may stand “at the ready” with the blade clearly visible and act ONLY as a guard and a deterrent. They may not engage, under any circumstances, with another combatant. If their weapon is sheathed when someone initiates role-play aggression against them, they may place their hand on the weapon’s hilt, as though they would draw, but they may not draw the weapon.

Example: The Defender of Nassau is typically armed with a live steel (though not sharpened) rapier. In the face of “armed conflict”, the DoN may hold their rapier and stand at the ready, blade clearly visible, as a warning to others.

Should a person wielding live steel ever be confronted with Mock Conflict by a person equipped with a Boffer, the participant wielding the live steel weapon is considered the victor without any physical exchange occurring by simply pronouncing that they would repeal the assault.

Example: Charles Vane is armed with a great axe made of live steel. He stands as guard in his camp. The crew of Queen Anne’s Revenge come to raid, armed with Boffers. Vane may indicate he possesses live steel and is repelling their attempt. They must accept this as defeat. They are not “dead” but are considered defeated and must cease their attempt to board.

If a person wielding a Boffer wishes to resolve the combat through skill, they may ask the person wielding live steel to arm themselves with a Boffer and engage, but it is always at the discretion of the defender to allow or reject this request. At no time should a person wielding a Boffer ever physically engage a person wielding live steel.

Alternatives to Mock Conflict

Whenever a situation arises which would lead to combat, such as a Raid, Larceny, etc, either party has the option to settle the matter in a non-physical method by declaring “To the Wit!” This will be accepted as an immediate end to combat, ranged or melee, and shall initiate a game or challenge between the parties to settle the conflict. Games and challenges should be those with a clear winner, such as Liar’s Dice, Tablero, or other such games, or they can be a challenge that involves some other method of winning. They cannot be something subject to “judging” as bias might be present. Games and challenges should also be kept within a reasonable time frame, not requiring either party to expend a large portion of the event settling, unless agreed to by both parties and the potential prize is of significant claim.


Locations of the event:

• Bank – Where role play currency can be stored, retrieved, and exchanged.

• Customs House – The Merchant Magistrate’s location during events.

• Dock – The section of the event that many ships camp along.

• Galley – The location of the food vendors. (May also refer to the cooking area in a camp).

• Gate – The registration and check-in location for the event.

• Merchant’s Row – The collective area of all Merchant booths, stalls, and tents.

• Scuttlebutt – The information tent.

Anatomy of a Ship:

• Aft – Towards the rear of the ship.

• Aloft – Over-head, possibly in the rigging or the crow’s nest.

• Bow – The front of a ship.

• Colors/Colours – Flag bearing the symbol of a ship, house, or crew.

• Crow’s Nest – The platform on the mast where a lookout can sit.

• Deck – The floor.

• Fore – Towards the front of the ship.

• Gangway/Gangplank – The entrance to a ship.

• Hoist – Raise up.

• Line – A rope onboard a ship.

• Port – The left side of the ship when facing towards the front.

• Rails – The sides of a ship.

• Rigging – The collective lines used to hold, and raise and lower a ship’s sails.

• Shrouds – The ropes connected to the mast which hold it up, side to side. Often used to climb.

• Starboard – The right side of a ship when facing towards the front.

• Stern – The back of a ship.

Common Terms:

• Aboard – On the ship or within the camp. Used typically when asking permission to enter: “Permission to come aboard?”

• Ahoy! – A greeting. “Hello”. Also used to get someone’s attention.

• Anachronism – Something which does not belong to the time period in which it is portrayed. Sunglasses in the Roman Empire for example.

• Bard – An entertainer, typically who performs music or sings.

• Bard in a Box – Any electronic device which music is played on.

• Below Decks – The private area of a camp. Not generally open to visitors.

• Biffy – Restrooms, usually port-a-potties. Also called “Priv” or “Head”.

• Boffer – a foam padded weapon, typically made from PVC, foam, and duct tape.

• Broken – Empty, when used in reference to a cup, mug, or other drinking vessel.

• Chantey – See Shanty.

• Constab – Short for Constable. Volunteer event security.

• Court – A gathering where the Producers of the event can make announcements, and other “business” may be conducted. Usually held to mark the official “start” and “end” of the event.

• Crew – A group of people who gather together, often due to shared interests. A crew typically camps together at events and will belong to a “ship”.

• Dragon – A motor vehicle, such as a car or truck.

• Dry – No alcohol. May be used in reference to a camp or site where alcohol is either not used or banned.

• Garb – Clothing befitting of the event.

• Herald – A person who roams the event and shouts announcements containing useful information.

• Hold! – Stop immediately.

• Household – Similar to a “crew”. A group of people who gather together, often due to shared interests, but does not organize itself as a “ship”.

• Lay On – Start or continue

• Live Steel – Real bladed weapons.

• Merchant – A vendor who sells goods or service at events.

• Mundane – The “real world” outside of events. Usually used when speaking about something modern and not part of the event.

• Naked – Used when referring to someone wearing mundane/street clothing.

• Nation – The attendees of the event. The populace.

• Peace Tie – A cord or wire fixed around a weapon preventing its use at events.

• Period – Pertaining to the time period that predates modern history. Often used when discussing historically linked clothing, food, or activities.

• Persona – A person’s “character” which they portray at events.

• Pirate Name – The fictional name a person uses for their Persona.

• Shanty – A song often sung at sea.

• Ship – A group of people who collectively camp together form a “crew” which usually belongs to a “Ship”. Also refers to the physical structure of a crew’s camp.

• Site – The physical location of the event.

• Smalls – Children.

• Stand Fast – Wait but be ready for another instruction.

• Sterling – Role play money. Used within the event, with no real world (mundane) value.

• Swab – Clean. A call to “swab the deck” means to pick up and properly dispose of trash, and return the area to a tidy state.

• Townie – Someone from the local community. Not typically part of the event.

• Voodoo – Cell phone or other modern electronics.

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