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Individual Sections

Order of the Crown

Union of the Quill

Alliance of the Key

In 2018, we had a limited number of “lineages” of titles, where only 2 slots at each Tier were available, per lineage. At the upper Tier (Prince/Princess), regardless of how many total lineages there were, we capped at 13. It had been 8 until 2018 when it was raised due to demand.

Based on this, we have created a system where there are 6 slots at the upper level (the equivalent of Prince/Princess in the old game), but with a system that uses “Term Limits” so that those desiring that Title can gain it, without getting top-heavy and having a nation full of Royalty.

In the previous game, as each lineage was based around a Knight, the total number of lineages possible was limited to the total number of Knights. However, as every Knight had the obligation to sponsor one “Knight in Training” (KiT) per year, the number of Knights could theoretically double every year.

According to record, in the previous game, many people would apply for a Title, not always at the lower level, and then abandon that Title the next year. We are unsure if this is because they disliked the system, wanted to advance but couldn’t, found it difficult to maintain the lineage requirements below them, or what. This led us to create a system in which everyone can start at the bottom, without the need to find a Knight, and that advancement is possible, thus giving the players motivation to remain in the game. We hope.

We want to be clear. In no way is this change in the Titles system a critique on the old game. Many people put a lot of their personal time and effort into developing and fine tuning that game, and for that they are thanked. Many others spent countless hours running the game, both at events and logistically behind the scenes. It was a daunting task, to be sure. The development of a “new” game was called for when the events shifted in ownership simply as a distinction of that change, nothing more.

The goal was to create a game that still allowed those who like them to pursue a Title, but not feel quite as exclusive or locked out to other. Also, in the interest of boosting the Role Play element of events, with the introduction of Factions, these Titles are meant to enhance that aspect of the game, and hopefully allow for more creative Role Play to develop. Many of the Tiers include a need to participate in or encourage Role Play acts. The intent is that, if you choose a position of “note” with privileges, we hope you will help guide the community in the ever-increasing pursuit of immersive fun.

And because it is certainly on the minds of some people, yes CERTAIN “legacy” Titles will be honored on a case-by-case basis. The intent here is to create a new, different game that is in keeping with the design of the Producers and add to immersion, but never at the expense of negating the efforts and deeds of anyone.

It is the opinion of the Producers, the Immersion Coordinator, and the Titles Game Coordinator that anyone who held Title in the SeaDog Nation, where that Title was “for life” and did not require yearly duties or expense to renew, may retain usage of that Title for their persona as long as it is clear that this title was within the SeaDog Nation and does not carry privilege nor burden with it in the Nation of Nassau. For example, previous winners of Dog of the Sea were granted a Knighthood for life, with no annual requirements, therefor any former Dog of the Sea may use “Knight of theSeaDog Nation”. Other Knights, as they were had requirements which must be met each year and which they have clearly been unable to meet, are not permitted usage of that rank within Nassau. Similarly goes with titles of nobility, who have been unable to meet their yearly payment obligations, but certain rare “for life” titles of nobility may still be used as “... of the SeaDog Nation”. If you have any questions or concerns about a title you previously held and would like to continue use of, please contact the Immersion Coordinator.


Col. Angus G MacGuinness

Lore Master of the Nation of Nassau

(Immersion Coordinator)


Mealla the Sea Witch

Minister of the Lists

(Titles Coordinator)












‣ TIER 1

‣ TIER 2

‣ TIER 3

‣ TIER 4

‣ TIER 5

‣ TIER 6



‣ TIER 1

‣ TIER 2

‣ TIER 3

‣ TIER 4

‣ TIER 5

‣ TIER 6



‣ TIER 1

‣ TIER 2

‣ TIER 3

‣ TIER 4

‣ TIER 5

‣ TIER 6





Port Nassau is not simply a haven for those seeking a life of adventure, it is a nation where one can earn standing, recognition, and even reverence. As the various Factions vie for control over the Nation, so too do those within each Faction often seek to elevate their status among their allies.

As such, the governance of the Nation has sought to chronicle the advancement of those within the Factions and found it necessary to serve as arbiter on occasion. Thus, the Nation of Nassau has established the Ministry of the Lists, and standards have been created and applied wherein all may seek to rise within their ranks and earn, finagle, or purchase standing.

While many have no desire to pursue fancy titles, those who fancy title may find their path here!


The “Titles Game” is an optional roleplay element for those with the Nation of Nassau, meant to allow Attendees a way to achieve recognition within the event, and to encourage involvement by way of service to the event in both mundane and roleplay methods. The “Titles Game” involves community support, cooperation among Attendees, and gives people something additional to spend their Sterlings on. Having a Title does not make someone. “better” than others, nor does it provide any actual authority, nor superiority, over others. The idea is to have a system wherein people can Padd to the roleplay elements of their Persona and find both cooperation and competition in doing so.

While the “Titles Game” is purely opt-in, it is asked that ALL Attendees of events honor and respect those who play, and conversely it is expected that those who do play will respect that some may not and will not therefore take offense. This is meant to enhance the fun for some and detract from the fun of no one. Titles also in no way supersede any crew or house rules... it is up to your Captain/Head of Household to determine how your Title within the Nation applies to your position within your Crew.


Titles are divided into 6 Tiers, with each Tier having its own cost, requirements, maintenance, and perks. Each Faction will have its own flavor of Title at each Tier, but functionally, all Titles within a Tier are considered equivalent regardless of faction. The “names” of the Titles used at each Tier are found in historical or fictional usage, but rank/station of said Titles should not be assumed to be the same in our “Titles Game”. For instance, in the mundane world, a “Prince” might outrank a “Viceroy”, but as Tier 6 for Order of the Crown is “Prince” and Tier 6 for Union of the Quill is “Viceroy”, they are considered “equal” within the Nation, both being Tier 6 Titles.


To apply for any Title, at any Tier, the “Application Requirements” for that Tier must be completed before the Application is submitted. Proof of completion shall be presented to the Ministry of the Lists along with any required documents, payment, or verification of deeds and the Application itself.

If there are open slots on the Lists for the desired Tier within the appropriate Faction, the Ministry of the Lists will approve the application and file it for entry to the Lists at the conclusion of the Event Season.

Only one Title may be applied for per day, and no Title may be applied for without having first applied for and been approved for any and all titles on lower Tiers within the same Faction, nor without having fulfilled any currently held Maintenance Contracts.


Titles will be granted for usage at Closing Court of Tortuga for the next Event Season. Whether a person acquires the Title at Port Nassau or Tortuga, Closing Court of Tortuga will be when the Title is “awarded”. This allows for off-season records updating and Maintenance Contracts to be created. This also allows the chance for a person to pursue multiple advancements during an Event Season without the need to constantly update records. This also negates the need for anyone who is able to advance more than once during an Event Season from having to complete multiple Maintenance Contracts in the same season.

Each person who is awarded Title at Closing Court of Tortuga will be responsible for paying their Yearly Maintenance Cost, as well as for completing their Maintenance Contract during the following Event Season. Anyone who does not will be considered to have released their claim to the Title.

After Opening Court at Port Nassau, anyone who wishes to retain their claim to Title must visit the Minister of the Lists. They will pay their Yearly Maintenance Cost and in return will receive their Maintenance Contract and documentation noting the current Title held. Even though Titles are “awarded” at Tortuga, if a person does not pay their Yearly Maintenance Cost, they are not eligible to use the Title, and all benefits and perks are considered revoked. Once the Yearly Maintenance Cost is paid, the Title holder is granted usage of the Title. They then have until Closing Court of Tortuga to complete their Maintenance Contract.

Example: Ben Hornigold achieves Tier 3 during the Event Season. At Closing Court of Tortuga, he is awarded the Tier 3 Title. The next Event Season, Hornigold visits the Minister of the Lists, pays the Yearly Maintenance Cost of 75 Sterling, and receives his Maintenance Contract for the year. He then fulfills the Maintenance Contract and returns it to the Minister of the Lists prior to Closing Court of Tortuga and states his intent to retain the Title for another Event Season.

The Title awarded shall be held for a period of one (1) Event Season, commencing after Closing Court of Tortuga and ending at Closing Court of Tortuga the following year. Upon completion of the Maintenance Contract, the holder of the Title may choose to retain the Title for another year, wherein they must pay another Yearly Maintenance Cost at the next Port Nassau and complete another Maintenance Contract, or they may release claim of the Title. They should state their intention to the Minister of the Lists upon submission of their completed Maintenance Contract.

Anyone who desires to advance to higher Tiers during the next Event Season must fulfill any current Maintenance Contract prior to submitting their advancement. After having fulfilled the Maintenance Contract, they may then submit the requirements to advance to the next Tier. Should anyone wish to attempt to advance more than one Tier per season, they are able to do so without completing multiple Maintenance Contracts.

Example: Edward Teach applies for Tier 1, having completed all requirements, during Port Nassau. He does not yet have usage of the Title. At Tortuga, he decides to apply for another advancement, to Tier 2, having met all requirements for that Tier. At the close of Tortuga, he will be “awarded” the Tier 2 title, with the privilege of using it and all perks in the next Event Season.

Anyone who desires to change Factions must release their Title before doing so. Anyone who fails to complete their Maintenance Contract by Closing Court of Tortuga will have their Title revoked and may be barred from participating in the Titles Game for a period of no less then one (1) year (extenuating circumstances may be considered).

The holder of a Title may renew their claim to the Title indefinitely, with the exception of Tier 6. Tier 6 Titles may only be held for a period of two (2) years. Upon completion of the Maintenance Contract for the second year, Tier 6 Title holders will be granted the “Retired” Title for their Faction. The Retired Tier may then be retained indefinitely or surrendered if the holder chooses to change Faction or withdraw from the Faction.

Example: Jeff Chaucer is a member of the Union of the Quill and has reached Tier 5 by the end of Tortuga ’18. He states his intention to retain the Title, so that he may advance to Tier 6 the following year. At Port Nassau ’19, Jeff Chaucer is presented with a Maintenance Contract for Tier 5. During the Event Season ’19, he uses the Title for Tier 5. He completes the Maintenance Contract during Port Nassau and then plans his requirements to advance for Tortuga ’19. At Tortuga ’19, he completes his Tier 6 requirements, and is awarded the Tier 6 Title at Closing Court of Tortuga ’19. He then begins using the Tier 6 title at Port Nassau ’20, where he is also presented with a Maintenance Contract for Tier 6. He completes this and states his intent to retain the Title for another year. At Port Nassau ’21, he is presented with his second Tier 6 Maintenance Contract, which he then completes. At Closing Court of Tortuga ’21, he is then awarded the Retired Title for Union of the Quill, having held Tier 6 for two years, and completed both Maintenance Contracts. He then retains the Retired Title for as long as he desires


The first step towards gaining a Title is to declare a Faction (for a full description, please refer to Factions of Nassau, found in the Codex Pyratical). Factions are intended to add a role-play element to events, and Titles have been designed to enhance this by allowing Attendees to advance along a path that befits the Faction of choice. While there is not actually any Title to be awarded at this Tier, technically anyone who has declared a Faction is Tier 0 within the “Titles Game”. This is the body of the Faction. There is no cost, nor maintenance for being declared. Anyone who is declared may display the Icon associated with their Faction.

Requirements: Must declare themselves a member of the Faction and add their name to the Registry of the Lists.

Cost: None

Maintenance: None

Privilege Earned: Use of Faction name, display of Faction Icon


Advancement within the ranks of a Faction happens by completing the requirements of each Tier, in succession, and gaining the support of others within the same Faction. Each Tier has an initial cost,as well as requirements which must be met, and then a yearly cost and obligation which must be fulfilled as “Maintenance” in order to continue use of the Title. The number of allowed holders of Titles at each Tier reduces as the Tiers go up, thus creating a hierarchal system within the Faction. It is important to remember that this hierarchy is for role-play purposes only, and each Faction is free to use this in the manner best suited to their role-play. This hierarchy does not denote “power” nor “authority” within the event, nor does it supersede any rank or structure that might exist in a person’s crew.

Example: Charles Vane is the Captain of the Ranger, and Jack Rackham is on his crew. Both Charles and Jack decide to play the Titles Game. Jack may achieve Tier 6 within the Alliance of the Key Faction, while Charles is only Tier 4, thus placing Jack “above” Charles within their Faction, but onboard the Ranger, Vane is still the Captain and Rackham is under his command

As there are some differences due to the role-play intent of each Faction, the advancements, while similar and equivalent across Factions, are herein listed by Faction.


In order to advance within the Titles system, it is necessary to gain the support, and endorsement, of those within the same faction, including approval of your peers. By requiring endorsements of many people at each level, this ensures that a person seeking elevated Titles will be active within their Faction, building alliances and recruiting supporters. As this can be one of the more complex aspects of the system, we believe the following will provide clarification of the process.

A person who is a member of a Faction may endorse as many different Titles as they feel worthy of supporting, at their current Tier, including as an untitled member of the Faction, assuming they have declared.

Example: Stede Bonnet currently holds Tier 3 within the Union of the Quill Faction. Edward Teach and James Flint are both seeking to advance from Tier 3 to Tier 4 As both need one (1) Tier 3 endorsement in order to advance, Stede may provide endorsement to both Teach and Flint

Once a person provides an endorsement to someone, they may not endorse that same person again, for any advancement, while at the same Tier as the original endorsement they provided.

Example: Edward Teach has advanced to Tier 4 and is now seeking advancement to Tier 5. As Stede Bonnet endorsed him while holding Tier 3, he may not endorse this advancement to Tier 5 since he has already endorsed Teach at his current Tier

A person may give their endorsement to someone they have previously endorsed, as long as they are holding a different Tier than their previous endorsement AND the person they are endorsing is seeking a different advancement.

Example: Stede Bonnet advances to Tier 4. Edward Teach is still seeking a Tier 4 endorsement for his advancement to Tier 5. Since Bonnet has never endorsed this specific advancement, nor has he ever endorsed Teach while holding Tier 4, he may provide his Tier 4 endorsement to Teach

Example: James Flint is still seeking a Tier 4 endorsement to advance to Tier 5. Stede Bonnet had previously endorsed him as Tier 3, and no holds Tier 4. He may NOT provide a Tier 4 endorsement to Flint as this would be for the same advancement for which he provided his Tier 3 endorsement.

An easy way to remember this is found in the following visualization. The same person’s name may not appear on anyone’s scroll in the same column (as bordered in blue).

Nor may the same person’s name appear on anyone’s scroll in the same row (as bordered in red).

(Note: A special exception was made to this rule for those entering the game at Port Nassau 2022, in order to provide an accelerated start to the game. Anyone who has signatures from the same people in the same column or row from that event are allowed the exceptions for that event only, which will be approved by the Minister of Titles)

A person may only endorse others at the current Tier they hold, even if they had not previously provided endorsement at an earlier Tier, whether to that person, to others, nor to anyone at all.

Example: Ned Low is seeking to advance from Tier 1 to Tier 2. He needs two (2) endorsements from Tier 1 supporters. Stede Bonnet did not endorse anyone while holding Tier 1, but as he is no longer Tier 1, he may not provide a Tier 1 endorsement to Low, nor anyone else, at this time.

While we acknowledge this may seem to some to slow down advancement, this is all meant to encourage continued recruitment into both the Faction system and the Titles game by those wishing to advance, while also allowing alliances within a Faction to continue their support of their chosen members as they all continue to advance. Coordinated efforts and alliances can still allow people to advance in a timely manner.


At the highest Tiers, it becomes necessary to not only secure support from the body of your Faction’s members, but also of those who are generally considered leaders and persons of notability. At Tier 5, the support of a Captain of a Ship, the Head of a Household, or a particular Merchant orTradesperson, becomes necessary. This level does not require their crew, household, or even the other partners in their business to join them in support, merely their own personal support.

At Tier 6, however, being the highest Tier, one must show that they can not only secure the support of a single individual of note, but of an entire body. A crew, an entire household, or all the persons within a business or trades venture.


Each Tier has been given a Title suited to that Faction. Some titles historically use gendered forms to indicate the male and female versions. As Port Nassau is an inclusive event that supports diversity, there are no restrictions on usage of gendered Titles and anyone is free to use whichever version they wish. If there is a gender-neutral version that is not listed (such as Chairperson), that may be used as well.

Non-English equivalents of each Title may also be used if it suits your persona, but only those titles listed are reserved for use within the Titles Game and will be listed on Official Documentation. It is important to never engage in cultural appropriation if using the non-English equivalent to a title, so please mind the origins of a non-English Title you may wish to adopt.


Tier 4 and above receive payment perks as part of their Title Privilege. These Returns are calculated as a percentage of the total maintenance cost of all current Title holders within their Faction of a lower Tier than theirs, up to a maximum amount equal to the Yearly Maintenance Cost of that Tier.

For Tiers 5 & 6, the maximum Return is equal to their Yearly Maintenance Cost, and for Tier 4 the maximum Return is equal to one-half of their Yearly Maintenance Cost. This mechanism is intended to create incentive for higher Tiers to encourage others to fill the lower Tier ranks of their Factions

Example: Stede Bonnett is currently Tier 5 within the Alliance of the Key. This entitles him to 3% income. Currently, there are 10 holders of Tier 3 with a Maintenance Cost of 75, 25 holders of Tier 2 with a Maintenance Cost of 50, and 40 holders of Tier 1 with a Maintenance Cost of 25. (10 x 75) + (25 x 50) + (40 x 25) = 3,000. 3% (rounded up) of this grants Stede an income of 90 Sterling per Event Season (as would all other Tier 5 holders in his Faction). Mary Read holds Tier 6 in Alliance of the Key, so her income would be 150 Sterlings. Should Stede & Mary promote their Faction and fill each Tier with the maximum number of people, this income would increase to 150 for Stede and 250 for Mary per Event Season

Returns will be paid upon completion of the currently held Maintenance Contract.



Title: Baron/Baroness

Requirements: Must present a declaration claiming Noble lineage, which must be supported by three (3) Witnesses who are all declared members of Order of the Crown

Cost: 50 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 25 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Sixty-four (64)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.

Addressed as: “My Lord/Lady”


Title: Viscount/Viscountess

Requirements: Must create and present Patents of Nobility showing four (4) generations of noble lineage and claim to Title, endorsed by two (2) Tier 1 Title holders and 4 Witnesses from Order of the Crown.

Cost: 100 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 50 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Thirty-two (32)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.

Addressed as: “My Lord/Lady”


Title: Earl/Count/Countess

Requirements: Must perform in a display of “Poetry for the Uncultured” (aka Bad Poetry). Must present Patents of Nobility with additional endorsement from two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Order of the Crown. (Patents will now show a total of two Teir 2, four Tier 1, and six Witness signatures).

Cost: 150 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 75 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Sixteen (16)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.

Addressed as: “My Lord/Lady”


Title: Marquess(Marquis)/Marchioness(Marquise)

Requirements: Must perform a Public Spectacle, during which they assert claim of their Noble Lineage, lasting no less than 30 minutes. Must present Patents of Nobility with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier 3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Order of the Crown. (Patents will now show a total of one Tier 3, four Tier 2, six Tier 1, and eight Witness signatures)

Cost: 200 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 100 Sterling. Must participate in at least one Cross-Faction Act or Public Spectacle lasting no less than 15 minutes.

Number of allowed holders: Eight (8)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title. “Silver” seating at Court.

Return: Will receive “taxes” equal to 1% of total Maintenance fees paid by Order of the Crown Title holders Tier 3 and below, up to maximum of 50 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.

Addressed as: “Your Lordship/Ladyship”


Title: Duke/Duchess

Requirements: Must secure the Fealty of one Captain, Head of Household, or Merchant and deliver proof to the Minister of the Lists. Must Host or Participate in one cross-Faction Act, or Role Play “class” for the Nation, lasting no less than 60 minutes. Must present Patents of Nobility with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier 4, one (1) Tier 3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Order of the Crown. (Patents will now show a total of one Tier 4, two Tier 3, six Tier 2, eight Tier 1, and ten Witness signatures)

Cost: 300 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 150 Sterling. Must host a Faction Gathering lasting no less than 30 minutes. Must “sponsor” (or “co-sponsor”) one (1) Team in Tortuga Olympics

Number of allowed holders: Four (4)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title. “Gold” seating at Court and Tortuga games with drink provided.

Return: Will receive “taxes” equal to 3% of total Maintenance fees paid by Order of the Crown Title holders Tier 4 and below, up to maximum of 150 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.

Addressed as: “Your Grace”


Title: Prince/Princess

Requirements: Must secure the Fealty of One Ship, Household, or Venture and present proof to Minister of the Lists. Must compete for Rank with other contenders or prove “worth” against current Tier 6 holders. Must present Patents of Nobility with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier 5, one (1) Tier 4, two (2) Tier 3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Order of the Crown. (Patents will now show a total of one Tier 5, two Tier 4, four Tier 3, eight Tier 2, ten Tier 1, and twelve Witness signatures)

Cost: 500 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 250 Sterling. Must attend Court. Must attend social Role Play events hosted by other Faction Title holders.

Number of allowed holders: 2

Privilege Earned: Use of Title. VIP seating at Court and Tortuga games, with food/drink refreshments supplied. Granted one (1) reserved Parking Spot at Port Nassau and Tortuga, free of charge.

Return: Will receive “taxes” equal to 5% “Taxes” of total Maintenance paid by Order of the Crown Title holders Tier 4 and below, up to maximum of 250 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.

Addressed as: “Your Royal Highness”


Title: Archduke/Archduchess

Requirements: Hold Tier 6 for two (2) consecutive Event Seasons

Cost: NONE

Yearly Maintenance: 50 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: No Limit

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.

Addressed as: “Your Highness”



Title: Agent

Requirements: Must present documentation stating their intent to serve the public, which must be supported by three (3) Witnesses who are all declared members of Union of the Quill

Cost: 50 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 25 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Sixty-four (64)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.

Addressed as: “Agent”


Title: Emissary

Requirements: Must create and present a Campaign Petition showing four (4) “qualifications for service”, endorsed by two (2) Tier 1 Title holders and 4 Witnesses from Union of the Quill.

Cost: 100 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 50 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Thirty-two (32)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.

Addressed as: “Emissary”


Title: Alderman/Alderwoman/Alderperson

Requirements: Must compete in a display of “Puntification” (aka Bad Puns). Must present Campaign Petition with additional endorsement from two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and 2 (2) Witnesses from Union of the Quill. (Campaign will now show a total of two Tier 2, four Tier 1, and six Witnesses signatures)

Cost: 150 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 75 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Sixteen (16)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.

Addressed as: “Alderman/Alderwoman/Alderperson”


Title: Commissioner

Requirements: Must perform a Public Spectacle, during which they make a Campaign Speech, lasting no less than 30 minutes. Must present Campaign Petition with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier 3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Union of the Quill. (Petition will now show a total of one Tier 3, four Tier 2, size Tier 1, and eight Witness signatures)

Cost: 200 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 100 Sterling. Must participate in at least one Cross-Faction Act or Public Spectacle lasting no less than 15 minutes.

Number of allowed holders: Eight (8)

Privilege Earned: Earned Use of Title. “Silver” seating at Court.

Return: Will receive “contributions” equal to 1% of total Maintenance fees paid by Union of the Quill Title holders Tier 3 and below, up to maximum of 50 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.

Addressed as: “Commissioner”


Title: Senator

Requirements: Must secure a Contract with one Captain, Head of Household, or Merchant and deliver proof to the Minister of the Lists. Must Host or Participate in one Cross-Faction Act, or Role Play “class” for the Nation, lasting no less than 60 minutes. Must present Campaign Petition with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier 4, one (1) Tier 3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Union of the Quill. (Patents will now show a total of one Tier 4, two Tier 3, six Tier 2, eight Tier 1, and ten Witness signatures)

Cost: 300 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 150 Sterling. Must host a Faction Gathering lasting no less than 30 minutes. Must “finance” one (1) Team in Tortuga Olympics

Number of allowed holders: Four (4)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title. “Gold” seating at Court and Tortuga games with drink provided.

Return: Will receive “contributions” equal to 3% of total Maintenance fees paid by Union of the Quill Title holders Tier 4 and below, up to maximum of 150 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.

Addressed as: “The Honorable”


Title: Viceroy

Requirements: Must secure a Contract with one Ship, Household, or Venture and present proof to Minister of the Lists. Must compete for Rank with other contenders or prove “qualifications”against current Tier 6 holders. Must present Campaign Petition with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier 5, one (1) Tier 4, two (2) Tier 3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Union of the Quill. (Patents will now show a total of one Tier 5, two Tier 4, four Tier 3, eight Tier 2, ten Tier 1, and twelve Witness signatures)

Cost: 500 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 250 Sterling. Must attend Court. Must barter a deal, or broker a peace, with another Faction, or defend another Faction from a Raid

Number of allowed holders: 2

Privilege Earned: Use of Title. VIP seating at Court and Tortuga games, with food/drink refreshments supplied. Granted one (1) reserved Parking Spot at Port Nassau and Tortuga, free of charge.

Return: Will receive “contributions” equal to 5% of total Maintenance paid by Order of the Crown Title holders Tier 4 and below, up to maximum of 250 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.

Addressed as: “Your Excellency”


Title: Justice

Requirements: Hold Tier 6 for two (2) consecutive Event Seasons

Cost: NONE

Yearly Maintenance: 50 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: No Limit

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.

Addressed as: “Your Honor”



Title: Ensign

Requirements: Must present an account of Epic Deeds, which must be supported by three (3) Witnesses who are all declared members of Alliance of the Key

Cost: 50 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 25 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Sixty-four (64)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.


Title: Steward

Requirements: Must create and present a Saga of Acclaim showing four (4) conquests, endorsed by two (2) Tier 1 Title holders and 4 Witnesses from Alliance of the Key.

Cost: 100 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 50 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Thirty-two (32)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.


Title: Lancer

Requirements: Must engage in a “Longest John” battle (aka “Bigger Fish”). Must present Saga of Acclaim with additional endorsement from two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Alliance of the Key. (Saga will now show a total of two Tier 2, four Tier 1, and six Witness signatures)

Cost: 150 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 75 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: Sixteen (16)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title.


Title: Warden

Requirements: Must perform a Public Spectacle, during which they boast of their Deeds, lasting no less than 30 minutes. Must present Saga of Acclaim with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Alliance of the Key. (Saga will now show a total of one Tier 3, four Tier 2, six Tier 1, and eight Witness signatures)

Cost: 200 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 100 Sterling. Must participate in at least one Cross-Faction Act or Public Spectacle lasting no less than 15 minutes.

Number of allowed holders: Eight (8)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title. “Silver” seating at Court.

Return: Will receive “tribute” equal to 1% of total Maintenance fees paid by Alliance of the Key Title holders Tier 3 and below, up to maximum of 50 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.


Title: Marshal

Requirements: Must secure a Pact with one Captain, Head of Household, or Merchant and deliver proof to the Minister of the Lists. Must Host or Participate in one Cross-Faction Act, or Role Play “class” for the Nation, lasting no less than 60 minutes. Must present Saga of Acclaim with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier 4, one (1) Tier 3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Alliance of the Key. (Saga will now show a total of one Tier 4, two Tier 3, six Tier 2, eight Tier 1, and ten Witness signatures)

Cost: 300 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 150 Sterling. Must host a Faction Gathering lasting no less than 30 minutes. Must compete as part of a Team in Tortuga Olympics

Number of allowed holders: Four (4)

Privilege Earned: Use of Title. “Gold” seating at Court and Tortuga games with drink provided.

Return: Will receive “tribute” equal to 3% of total Maintenance fees paid by Alliance of the Key Title holders Tier 4 and below, up to maximum of 150 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.


Title: Commissar

Requirements: Must secure a Pact with one Ship, Household, or Venture and present proof to Minister of the Lists. Must compete for Rank with other contenders or prove “worth” against current Tier 6 holders. Must present Saga of Acclaim with additional endorsement from one (1) Tier 5, one (1) Tier 4, two (2) Tier 3, two (2) Tier 2, two (2) Tier 1, and two (2) Witnesses from Alliance of the Key. (Patents will now show a total of one Tier 5, two Tier 4, four Tier 3, eight Tier 2, ten Tier 1, and twelve Witness signatures)

Cost: 500 Sterling

Yearly Maintenance: 250 Sterling. Must attend Court. Must lead a Raid against another Faction, for Larceny or Hostage taking, or lead a Public Spectacle of adventure.

Number of allowed holders: 2

Privilege Earned: Use of Title. VIP seating at Court and Tortuga games, with food/drink refreshments supplied. Granted one (1) reserved Parking Spot at Port Nassau and Tortuga, free of charge.

Return: Will receive “tribute” equal to 5% of total Maintenance paid by Alliance of the Key Title holders Tier 4 and below, up to maximum of 250 Sterling, paid at Port Nassau.


Title: Moff

Requirements: Hold Tier 6 for two (2) consecutive Event Seasons

Cost: NONE

Yearly Maintenance: 50 Sterling

Number of allowed holders: No Limit

Privilege Earned: Use of Title


The titles listed for each Tier are considered “Reserved Titles” and are not authorized for use by anyone within the Nation of Nassau outside of this Titles Game. Please respect the efforts of those participating.

Other Reserved Titles:

• Commander: Bestowed to the winner of the Defender of Nassau Quest

• Governor

• Chancellor

• King

• Queen

• Emperor

Reserved “Legacy” Titles:

• King Emeritus of the Sea Dog Nation – Granted to anyone who held the Title of King of Tortuga in the SeaDog Nation

• Queen Emerita of the SeaDog Nation – Granted to anyone who held the Title of Queen of Tortuga in the SeaDog Nation

• King of the SeaDog Nation – Granted to the last winner of the Tortuga Party Circle

• Queen of the SeaDog Nation – Granted to the last winner of the Tortuga Party Circle

• Knight of the SeaDog Nation – Granted to any winner of Dog of the Sea


• Titles Game – The system that encompasses the entirety of these rules for Titles

• Codex Pyratical – The official Rules and Guidelines for Role Play within the Nation of Nassau

• Faction – One of the groups created within the Codex Pyratical that allows for role play alliances and rivalries within the Nation of Nassau

• Faction Gathering – Any Role Play style event held for members of the same Faction where no less than 4 Faction members are present. Example would be a tea, a dinner, a board meeting, a mock trial, a raid, a tournament, etc. Creativity and imagination is key to your Gathering. A Public Spectacle may also qualify as a Faction Gathering if it involves members of the same Faction engaging with the general populace

• Cross-Faction Act – Any Role Play style incident that involves no less than 4 members each of more than one Faction. Examples would be hostage taking, raids, challenges, tournaments. The nature of the Act is often left up to the host, to allow for creativity. A Public Spectacle may qualify as a Cross-Faction Act if it also involves more than one Faction

• Public Spectacle – Any Role Play style incident that involves the general populace of attendees and draws attention to the incident

• Minister of the Lists – The staff member who runs the Titles Game. Mundanely referred to as the Titles Coordinator

• Registry of the Lists – The official listing of people who have joined the various Factions and claimed Titles

• Lore Master – The staff member who oversees the Immersion Department, including most of the role play game elements of the events

• Patents of Nobility – The Role Play document used by Order of the Crown to assert and prove their “noble lineage”. This document will serve as proof of Title for the bearer and shall be submitted any time a person wishes to move up in Tier

• Campaign Form – The Role Play document used by Union of the Quill to track and validate their “political aspirations”. This document will serve as proof of Title for the bearer and shall be submitted any time a person wishes to move up in Tier

• Saga of Acclaim – The Role Play document used by Alliance of the Key to chronicle their “notable deeds”. This document will serve as proof of Title for the bearer and shall be submitted any time a person wishes to move up in Tier

• Fealty – An agreement of support and backing for members of Order of the Crown

• Contract – An agreement of support and backing for members of Union of the Quill

• Pact – An agreement of support and backing for members of Alliance of the Key

• Venture – A mercantile shop, business establishment, or other collective body of tradesfolk

• Port Nassau – The event typically held in July. The full name of the event is “Port Nassau: A SeaDog’s Refuge”

• Tortuga – The event typically held during Labor Day weekend. The full name of the event is “Port Nassau: Tortuga Nights”

• Opening Court – The official “start” of each event

• Closing Court – The official “end” of each event

• Court – Any of the Opening or Closing Court events at any event, when referred to collectively

• Sterling – The official role play “currency” of the event


Table 1 – Total Endorsements needed for each Tier

Table 2 – Initial and Yearly Maintenance Cost for each Tier. Includes Returns.